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Future ‘Monday Live’ Programme Dates
Monday Live is at 7pm UK Time. Presenters for the coming weeks will be:-
10 February - Gil Legine
17 February Mike - Mike O
24 February - Tony de Windsor
3 March - Gil Legine
10 March - Andy Miles
17 March - Mike O
24 March - Tony de Windsor
31 March - Tony Kirk
Gil Legine is a professional musician and tutor.
See Gil’s page for further details
Interact during Monday Live via our Albumheads Facebook Group
Monday Live is a live presentation show which include feature spots at approximately the following UK times:
7:20pm “Stage Struck” (2 recordings from live performances)
8:00pm “Back-Track” (2 instrumental tracks)
8:40pm “Reggae Corner” ( 2 tracks of Jamaican music)
8:40pm “Country Corner” when Mike O is live
9:20pm “DiscoNection” (2 discotheque tracks from 1970s - mid 1980s)
Albumheads is also available on internet radios and some ’Smart Speakers’
(For Cambridge Audio Internet Receivers)
The Albumheads’ presenters
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